Win Today

#126 | How To Master Powerful Language In 2024

December 18, 2023 Season 3
Win Today
#126 | How To Master Powerful Language In 2024
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Promise this: By the end of our conversation, you'll have mastered the subtle but powerful nuances of language that can propel you towards success. Ever considered how saying 'I will' instead of 'I try' can create a shift in your actions and perceptions? We dissect such interesting contrasts, showing how intentional language can create the world you desire. We also launch into a fresh start this new year with our weekly email club, offering not just updates but insights into the power of words that the podcast explores.

**Replay from March 2023 - How To Create Powerful Language That Generates Results**

Join The Weekly Win E-Mail Club Launching In 2024! (Link Here)

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Win Today podcast, a weekly tool intentionally crafted to help people enhance performance, feel inspired and conquer life. Our commitment is that you will learn from some of the most disciplined, heartwarming and inspiring people on the globe, in addition to receiving a piece of a winning playbook from myself or a renowned expert in their field. My name is Ryan Cass and I am your host, and it is my purpose in this world to inspire people to establish a foundation for sustained success by developing systems that will enable you to accomplish your goals, break systemic trends of adversity and chart a desirable course for life. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please help us achieve our vision of becoming one of the top podcasts in the world by subscribing to the show, sharing it with somebody who you believe will benefit from it and leaving a review. Let's connect with our guest. What's up?

Speaker 1:

Everyone Crazy to believe that there are only 13 days left in 2023 as of the release date of this episode, and these next couple episodes that are going to be released are focusing on things that you can start working on today to get a head start on 2024, and things that will help you ensure that 2024 is a great year and your best year yet. So for this episode, I'm going to be focusing on creating powerful language, language that generates results. This is actually bringing an episode back from earlier this year that received a lot of positive feedback, and I'm bringing it back for a couple reasons. One I want it to be a refresher. Maybe you've already tuned into it. One of the things that I've found myself helping people with the most in 2023 is the language that they're creating, and why I believe this is so important is because all things in life are created through language. All things in life are created through the words that we choose, the phrases that we use, how we form these phrases, the language that we're speaking out to others and also the language that we're creating internally for ourselves. So it's not always spoken word and I want to ensure that you're not using any limiting language in 2024, limiting words and what you'll find here. This was after reading the four agreements earlier this year. Great book, highly recommend it to be maybe even one of the first books you read in 2024. But this book really focuses on language and useful versus non-useful language. So non-useful language could be even using words such as try, probably a word that you use all the time. I'm going to try to wake up early tomorrow. I'm going to try to go to the gym. I'm going to try to stop eating junk food Every time. Even using a word like that you hear 95% of people use in this world, that is giving yourself an option to do the things that you really believe are important and you really value. But just by using that word, you're creating it as an option versus. I'm going to go to the gym early tomorrow. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow. Using that simple mindset shift in the simple Shift of one word can be the maker break on you Actually doing something. In addition to that, the words we use, the phrases that we choose, are what can make someone view you as confident and capable Versus, and maybe we're gonna pass up on this person, even though you may have all the talent in the world. So that's why this is being brought back.

Speaker 1:

One thing that I'm very excited about in 2024, to continue being a resource to you All and helping you, is that I'm launching the weekly win email club on January 2nd 2024. So every Tuesday, I'm going to have an email going out that is going to feature all sorts of things, including what the best of the best are doing, things that I'm seeing them do and trends that are emerging that I will clearly lay out for you so you can incorporate some of these things into your daily routine and see what works for you, see what you like, see what you don't like. I will be including what I'm currently reading, what I'm currently listening to, and Also be providing updates on this podcast, because this podcast releases every Monday, so it'll be a way for you to get that in your inbox as well. And I'm putting that email list out there because one I want to be another Resource, provide another resource to you to with the vision I have for this podcast. I do study again the best of the best, a lot, and they all have these amazing emails that go out that make you want to stay more in touch with those folks. So I'm looking at it as also an opportunity for myself. Hey, why not me? Why not go all in on yourself in 2024? So that's what I'm doing. If you have other name suggestions for it, I'm thinking maybe the winner circles email. I'm not sure yet, but I'm gonna do it. I'm putting it out here January 2nd 2024. You can go to my website, ryan cast calm. It'll also be linked in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

I'm wishing that you enjoy this episode. Next week, I'll be releasing another one on journaling topics that you can use to start off 2024 right, and then I will have a bonus episode when I release my annual letter to myself. That's something I started doing. I started releasing in 2023, something I've been writing for a few years. I'm gonna continue putting it out there with the intent that inspires at least one of you to Do the same for yourself and have something that you can look back on at the end of 2024 and and look at it and say, damn, look at all these things that I accomplished. Look at all these things I did. Look at the journey. Sometimes we don't recognize the journey because we don't document enough, we don't write down enough, we don't take note of all the things that we've done or hurdles that we've Overcome, so on and so forth. So that will be available as well. I appreciate you guys for tuning in. Enjoy the episode and win today.

Speaker 1:

Every time we speak, we create life. Our language is the basis of all power that is created in life and our community, in our homes, in our families, everything around us. Everything starts with our word. I'm getting this from the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, currently the book that I'm reading right now as a part of Champion Tribe. Champion Tribe is a company that my good friend and brother and business partner, chris Singleton and I launched last July.

Speaker 1:

Champion Tribe is a community of people across the United States who are committed to living upgraded lifestyles and excelling in our five key pillars of family, faith, fitness, finance and foundation Foundation being how you give back and serve. And within Champion Tribe we have this powerful ecosystem of folks that check in daily of three priorities that they are going to focus on that day that will align to their goals what they want to create in life and growth in one sum or all of the five pillars. It's important in life when you're seeking to create something, to accomplish a big goal, that you have an army of support around you, and that's most easily accomplished by having an army of like-minded people, like-minded who's that want to see you succeed, they want to see you win, and it's far more than just making a lot of money. For some folks, that's not even the goal. Even though there's a financial pillar, we're not here to see who can make the most money and then call it a day and say that's how we define success. We're really focused on building well-rounded individuals. So if you want to learn more about Champion Tribe, check out the link in the show notes. We are committed to really growing this organization. We've got 32 members in 10 different states right now, constantly pushing each other to the next level.

Speaker 1:

I love it. One way that we do that is through our monthly book clubs, which tie to the pillar of the month, march being Foundation Foundation. We are reading the four agreements. The reason why I'm pulling this book out for this week is because the first agreement, which really just serves as a rule to live life by, is be impeccable. With your word and in the field of work that I'm in, both in the corporate world and through entrepreneurial ventures, I'm living out my purpose of helping people establish a foundation for sustained success by building systems that enable you to accomplish your goals, to create a desirable course for life, break any trends of negativity or dysfunction that may exist in your family. That's just gone down the line and you're the one that's going to stop it.

Speaker 1:

One thing that I find for people is they have an opportunity to really upgrade the language in which they frequently utilize. Going back to the very beginning, when we speak, we create life, and our language is the formation for anything, anything that exists. It started with a conversation, it started with spoken word. It started with someone having a thought and communicating that out. This is why it is paramount that we are impeccable with our word. What does that mean?

Speaker 1:

Here's an excerpt from the book. The word is not just a sound or a written symbol. The word is a force. It is the power you have to express and communicate, to think and thereby to create the events in your life. You can speak. What other animal on the planet can speak?

Speaker 1:

The word is the most powerful tool you have as a human. It is a tool of magic, but like a sword with two edges. Your word can create the most beautiful dream, or your word can destroy everything around you. One edge is the misuse of the word, which creates a living hell. The other edge is the impeccability of the word, which will only create beauty, love and heaven on earth. Depending upon how it is used, the word can set you free or it can enslave you even more than you know, all the magic you possess is based on your word. Your word is pure magic, and misuse of your word is black magic. That's powerful right there. I want to give you all some tips on how to utilize powerful language Words to stay away from, phrases to stay away from and what you can replace them with. This is going to help you feel more confident, it's going to help you create power, as we just determined in the excerpt, and it's going to keep you away from that black magic.

Speaker 1:

The first thing that I often talk about and want everyone to do is eliminate the word try from your vocabulary completely. If it was up to me, I would call Merriam Webster and say delete that word, exit out. We're not allowed to use it. Everyone that uses it. Every time you use it, it's a $10 fine. And the reason why I'm so passionate about this is because, first off, if you envision this right now, say this in your mind I'm going to try to work out tomorrow. It's one of the common things that I hear from anyone that they want to work out more. Okay, I'm going to try to work out tomorrow In your mind what that's doing. And even as this comes out, it's giving yourself an option to do that thing, because if you say, try, you can do it. Or well, I tried, I went downstairs and put on my shoes and then decided not to. Or you can say in your mind I'm going to work out tomorrow morning which statement of the two comes out more confidently and makes you actually believe in your mind that you are going to get that thing done. Number two just because you said I am going to, naturally in your mind, in your subconscious, you're going to be looking for an activity to be doing tomorrow. It's almost natural now, just because you said you are going to do it, versus you're going to try to do it.

Speaker 1:

I learned this lesson during my first internship with Otis Elevator Company. My manager at the time, chris Van Erisdale, sat me down on my first day as a young intern and asked me Ryan, what are you going to accomplish this summer? And I said well, chris, I'm going to try. And then, before I could even finish my sentence, he said Ryan, try to grab that pen. That's right across the table from you. And I said I do. I naturally go out, grab the pen, pick it up. And he says you see what you did right there. You didn't just try to grab that pen, you took action and you did it. You grabbed that pen and if you work for me this summer, you're not going to try to do your best or try to get these things done. I expect you to take action. You may fail along the way and that's fine, but it's never going to be because of the fact that you didn't take any action at all. This is another thing that I often coach people on corporate clients.

Speaker 1:

Champion tribe, do not use the word try. It is bad. You should cross it out. It does not create power. It is black magic. Another one is should eliminate should statements. Should is a filler for guilt, shame and blame. Man, I should have gone to the gym this morning. I should have called this person earlier. He should be more patient with XYZ. All we're doing there is filling in guilt, shame and blame Rather than say should, I should go to the gym tomorrow. I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow. It is my plan to go to the gym tomorrow. It's my intent. I should eat healthier. I'm just gonna start eating healthier. I'm taking action. I'm taking steps to become more healthy. Again, black magic going away.

Speaker 1:

Negative preambles this is one of my favorite ones. So negative preamble is starting something off negatively. How many times have you heard a sentence or someone say something like this may not be good, but boom, boom, boom. I'm not sure how this is gonna go. I don't think we're gonna like this result, but no, go straight into it. This may not be good. Well, now I'm not even sure I wanna listen to the rest of what you have to say, and it's not gonna make the room feel very good about participating in the rest of the meeting or the conversation, so on and so forth. Get straight to the point, but don't start it off with this may not be good. Hey, we have an opportunity, we're gonna tighten up in these areas. Hey, we've found a problem and we're gonna start developing a solution.

Speaker 1:

Honesty qualifiers is the next one. So you've probably heard people say honestly, I think boom, boom, boom. Honestly, I really think we should do this. If I'm being honest with you, I really don't think that's a good idea. Again, another one where someone says if I'm being honest with you, and my typical response to that is well, were you lying to me before? An honesty qualifier is simply another filler for people that don't wanna get straight to the point or want to soften up what you're going to say. What this is really doing is it's hurting you and you're creating more of the black magic that we're talking about.

Speaker 1:

The last piece of black magic to be mindful of are filler words, and I'm gonna focus on one right now. That is the word just. We've all heard people say I just wanted you to know that I didn't appreciate that thing you did earlier. I just want you to know that we're not gonna be moving forward with this contract. I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed tonight. I just wanted to tell you that you're really sweet. All that just is.

Speaker 1:

There is a filler word, and it typically softens up what you intend to be a more difficult message for you to deliver, or something that you're a little nervous to say, even looking at a nice woman. In my case, I just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed tonight. No, I'm gonna look you in the eye and tell you hey, I had a really great time with you tonight and you're an amazing person. Not, I just wanted you to know. No, just is the killer of credibility and it robs you of your power. It is black magic.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of other filler words that I could go into right now.

Speaker 1:

I'm deciding to focus on the big things right now that I most commonly hear people referencing.

Speaker 1:

By the way, how I know this to be true is because I used to use all of these, whether it's a filler word or a negative preamble or an honesty qualifier, and, since becoming so deeply invested in the science of being and the way of being in how to create power, very focused on eliminating these and ensuring that they never pop up, even though I say I'm focused on eliminating them, because even when you eliminate a bad habit, there's always times where that bad habit is going to linger on your bad shoulder and tempt you.

Speaker 1:

There are times when the word try might linger and it wants to slip out of my mouth and like uh-uh. No, sir, because I make it a point to practice these things and I want you to do the same as well to eliminate the black magic, to create more power, to establish more credibility, to gain more credibility, to maintain more credibility and live the best life that you can and create the most power that you possibly can. I believe it's often overlooked on how much our words and our speech impact our way of being, how people view us how people make decisions about us, and this message here is simply intended to serve as a tool for you to maintain your power and be impeccable with your word. Thank you so much for tuning in and win today. We'll see you next time.

Language's Power Creating Desired Results
Eliminating Negative Language for Personal Empowerment
The Power of Words